2008年4月28日 星期一



1。 約同樣大小的紅白高麗菜各一顆。

【11/22/2009加註】 紅高麗菜價錢較貴,也較不易買到。等發酵技術熟練後,紅高麗菜的比例可以大幅降低,甚至全用白高麗菜也可能輕易發酵成功。但是一般人,都會同感覺得紅白分量對等的成品,味道丶口感都會較受人喜愛!

2。 洗淨,灑乾請注意!是灑乾,不是曬乾;灑乾可用 沙拉脫水器 」(Salad Spinner)),然後,秤兩顆的總重量(最好以公克 gram 為單位)。

【11/22/2009加註】 右邊 沙拉脫水器 的插圖,第一張相片來源: SALAD SPINNER FOR ZYLISS第二張相片來源:Kitchen Critic。另外也請參考 「 高麗菜的正確洗法 」





7。預備兩丶三個可以緊蓋的寬口玻璃瓶,一點五到二點五公升(或 Quart)大小的瓶子會是最合適的,


9。注意: 發酵期間,瓶底該擺置在可盛接液體的淺盤上,因發酵時會有菜汁及泡沫噴流出來。 另外,在發酵其間不要打開瓶蓋察看發酵的進展。發酵成功的成品是應該有一股天然清香的酸味而不是嗆鼻的惡臭,若已長霉的也是不好的。若惡臭丶長霉或發黑的只是在靠近瓶口的一小部分,若能將這小部分挖掉,其餘的絕大部分仍俱有清香氣味及均勻的顏色,應是仍可留下食用的,不放心的話,將它拋棄,重新再做。至今已教上百人做這酸高麗菜,偶而有人第一次做失敗,但很少人連著兩次都失手的。

How to Make Homemade Sauerkraut

1. Use approximately similar size of green and red cabbage each。

2. Wash, clean and drain water from the cabbages, weigh both cabbages in grams。

3. Prepare amount of non-refined sea salt is equivalent to 2% of the cabbage gross weight. (e.g. if the gross weight of cabbage is 1,850 grams, then needs 37 grams of sea salt)。

4. Shred cabbages to the size of your preference, but not bigger than the size of a normal French fries。

5. Mix half of the sea salt with shredded red cabbage in a stainless steel or glass mixing bowl (non plastic container), mix 5 – 6 times and put aside。

6. In a separate stainless steel or glass bowl, mix the remaining sea salt with the shredded green cabbage, put them aside for about 10 minutes. Then, mix them with the red cabbage from step 5, stir them until two kinds of cabbages are blended evenly。

7. Prepare 2 – 3 quart size (or 1.5 – 2.5 litre) glass jars with caps。

8. Put the soften cabbages into the jars. Use hand or wooden spoon to press cabbage as tide as you can in the jars. Leave one and one half inch space on top. Pour water/juice from the cabbages mixing bowl into the jars to cover the cabbages. (Make sure there is still a half to three quarters of an inch space left in the jars' top). Close the cap tide, put them in the room temperature for few days (summer 4 -5 days, winter 6 -7 days). Once the color of both cabbages becomes the same (between pink and purple color), the fermentation process is completed. Put the jars into refrigerator and start to enjoy them with your meals. Do not use plastic containers or utensils during the process.

9. Be aware that you shall put the jars onto a tray during the fermentation process in case the juice or bubble leaking out of the jars.

Moreover, don't open the cap during the fermentation process. There should be a natural delicate fragrance during the process, not a choking/offensive odor or growing mold. If only on top of the jar has mold or bad odor or turn to dark brownish color, the rest cabbage are still smell and look good, you maybe able to salvage the rest. Otherwise, discard them and start it over.

